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Ada Exempted Village C -
Antwerp Local B -
Arcadia Local C -
Arlington Local C -
Bath B -
Bellevue City B -
Bluffton Exempted Village C -
Bryan City B -
Continental Local C -
Corey-Rawson Local C -
Elida Local L360 B -
Elmwood Local C -
Findlay City C -
Fostoria B -
Hancock Co ESC C -
Hopewell-Loudon Local C -
Lial School (Whitehouse) C -
Liberty Center Local B -
Montessori School of BG C -
Montpelier Exempted Village B -
North Central Local C -
Northeastern Local/Tinora C -
Patrick Henry Local C -
Putnam Co. ESC C -
Riverdale Local C -
St. John Lutheran (Defiance) B -
St. John Lutheran (Napoleon) C -
St. Mary (Edgerton) B -
St. Mary of the Assumption (Van Wert) B -
St. Michael (Findlay) C -
Seneca East Local B -
Shawnee Local B -
Solomon Lutheran (Woodville) C -
Swanton Local C -
Tiffin City C -
Upper Sandusky Exempted Village B -
Wood County ESC C -
Woodmore Local C