
Contact NWOET

1867 N. Research Dr.
Bowling Green, Ohio 43402

Toll-Free: 800-966-9638
Fax: 888-338-3248

The History of the Northwest Ohio Educational Technology Foundation: Over 40 years of service to Northwest Ohio

Over 40 years ago a vision was conceived, one that would allow every school in Northwest Ohio to provide instructional television to its students for the enhancement of their education. That vision was conceived and nurtured. It grew from just a handful of school districts with 2 part-time employees to 154 districts and 167,000 students. The structure and growth of the Northwest Ohio Educational Technology Foundation was skillfully guided by the hands of Margaret Tucker, its first director, then by Sally Blair, and currently by Roger Minier.

1970's  1980's  1990's  2000's 

  • The first issue of SCANNER, the NWOET newsletter, was published providing a more effective method of communications with members.
  • KNOWING ABOUT GROWING, a primary health series, was produced by NWOET.
  • NEWS SIX, the weekly news program written and performed by sixth graders began.
  • The Northwest Ohio Media Center was created from 1,000 films from the Ohio Department of Education's Free Film Library and $30,000 as seed money from the ODE.
  • WBGU-TV installed a new 750,000-watt color transmitter, which broadcasted on channel 57.
  • The NWOET Tape Duplication Center was established to provide a tape duplication service to members to allow for a more flexible method for teachers to utilize the instructional television programs. The TDC library was started with 158 ITV program titles.
  • KNOWING ABOUT GROWING received the Central Education Network (CEN) Award.
  • ODE provided for the first time the Special Purpose Grant to schools for the purpose of purchasing much needed ITV equipment.
  • Legislation allowed for instructional television service to be available without charge to all chartered Ohio schools
  • NWOET produced WHAT'S AN ART CURRICULUM FOR ANYWAY?, an art in-service program which received a CEN award.

  • The NWOET Foundation built a 6000 square foot addition to WBGU-TV to house the NWOET operations.
  • The computer age arrived at NWOET when the Media Center booking became computerized. The TDC soon followed.
  • The Computer Resource Center was established to provide member schools with computer service.
  • The NWOET office was networked with a computer system.

  • The Foundation changed its name to the Northwest Ohio Educational Technology Foundation to better reflect its expansion beyond television to include film, videotape, and computer services.
  • WBGU-TV installed a 1 million-watt state-of-the-art transmitter and went on the air on Channel 27.
  • The Ohio Educational Broadcasting (OEB) Award was presented to NEWS SIX.
  • NEWS SIX received the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) Award.
  • OEB Producer of the Year Award was presented to Tina Rahe, WBGU-TV producer for NEWS SIX
  • Ninth Grade Proficiency Compendiums were created to assist teachers by correlating all NWOET media into the five curriculum areas identified by the ODE.

  • First Annual NWOET Technology Conference was held to provide teachers the opportunity to see presentations and demonstrations of educational technologies.
  • NWOET joined WBGU-TV and Bowling Green State University Department of Education in bringing all regional educational service providers together. The group developed the structure by which the Northwest Ohio Regional Teacher Training Center (NWORTTC) was established.
  • NWOET was named the fiscal agent for NWORTTC.
  • NWOET received a grant for the ODE to implement the Machine Readable Code (MARC) to access curriculum-related information to databases of USMARC bibliographic records for materials used in the Ohio state school system.
  • A grant was received from ODE to implement the Equity Equipment Survey to literally count every piece of educational technology hardware in Northwest Ohio schools.
  • Assisted WBGU-TV in the establishment of the Pre-school Education Preparation Program (PEP).
  • The 1991 National Teacher of the Year, Rae Ellen McKee, was the guest speaker for the NWOET Annual Meeting.
  • The Library of Congress recognized NWOET as the developer of a new international curriculum resource standard.
  • NWOET assisted WBGU-TV in the development of the live, interactive telecourse MATH BOOSTERS.

  • NWOET, using Bowling Green City Schools as the pilot, established the telecommunication service, which will eventually allow direct access via a computer and modem the NWOET catalog and booking service.
  • The first NWOET e-mail account was established allowing schools to be electronically connected to the NWOET office.
  • A state-funded partnership between Governor Voinovich and the Ohio Legislature established SchoolNet to provide Ohio schools with technology hardware.
  • NWOET cut broadcast of instructional programming to 3 ½ hours per day due to members' choice of utilizing programming via videotape vs. broadcast.
  • Ardis Shirkey Student Award for Excellence was established in memory of the NWOET Distribution Center Manager.
  • ITV and Media Center Catalogs were combined into a singular catalog, listing all 13,000+ pieces of media available to members.
  • The NWOET Catalog offered on CD-ROM.
  • Summer Computer Camp offered for students in grades one through eight.
  • Three Ohio legislators; Senator Robert Cupp, Representatives Charles Brading and Randy Gardner were featured panelists at the Sixth NWOET Technology Conference.
  • NWOET, in cooperation with Bowling Green State University, offered graduate college credit courses.
  • Software previews made available on the NWOET web site.
  • NWOET offered over 38 statewide courses via distance learning.
  • Sally Blair received proclamation from Ohio Representative Randy Gardner for over 30 years of service to NWOET Foundation.

  • As we move into the 21st Century, NWOET is helping teachers to transform instruction through the use of classroom technology. This transformation involves not simply supporting current instructional methods, but going beyond this support to provide the professional development required to truly transform the instructional process. Providing graduate credit leading towards Master's degrees in Education, curriculum and instruction as well as technology and assistive technology is one of NWOET's newest services.
  • Also new is extending the current library of over 50,000 available resources for loan by partnering with Chalkwaves and United Streaming digital content providers. Now NWOET members can receive ALL NWOET services as well as full-featured video streaming with in-school professional development through our Comprehensive Plus membership at a cost that is less than many districts pay for video streaming alone.
  • NWOET is also supporting the use of data-driven decisions to help teachers identify the resources and teaching methods which can best help each child learn. The expanded resources now available combined with one of the most advanced professional development staffs in the state are helping NWOET, in partnership with state and regional service providers help YOUR district meet instructional goals for all students at all ability levels for today, tomorrow and beyond.

For more information contact Roger Minier, executive Director NWOET at
800-966-9638 or e-mail